Darren Porter - Deep Blue MP3
Two giants of the Trance world combine as we welcome Darren Porter to the label for the first time and joining is of course the one and only Ana Criado. 'Dream Like I Do' has that perfect blend of big room Trance vibe and Vocal energy that only Ana can bring, simply perfection!Enjoy and PLAY LOUD!TWITTER: twitter.com/darren_porterFACEBOOK: facebook.com/DarrenPortermusicTWITTER: twitter.com/AnaCriadoMusicFACEBOOK: facebook.com/AnaCriadoMusicWWW: raznitzanmusic.comSPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/user/raznitzanmusicTWITTER: twitter.com/RazNitzanFACEBOOK: facebook.com/RazNitzanMusicINSTAGRAM: instagram.com/raznitzanmusicYOUTUBE: youtube.com/RazNitzanMusicSOUNDCLOUD: soundcloud.com/raznitzan
Darren Porter - Deep Blue MP3