How to Download Free PDF Models of Construction Works Situations
How to Download Free PDF Models of Construction Works Situations
If you are looking for free PDF models of construction works situations, you might be interested in the website eDevize, which offers a variety of templates for different types of projects. You can preview, download, or adjust the models directly in eDevize, a software that helps you create professional estimates and reports for construction and installation works. You can also find indicators of republican norms for construction works, legislation, and cost recapitulation rates on the website.
model situatie de lucrari constructii pdf free
Some of the models available on eDevize are:
Model deviz agropensiune (agro-tourism pension estimate)
Model deviz bloc de locuinte (apartment building estimate)
Model deviz camin studentesc (student dormitory estimate)
Model deviz canale de irigatii (irrigation channels estimate)
Model deviz casa cu parter si mansarda (house with ground floor and attic estimate)
Model deviz centru cultural (cultural center estimate)
Model deviz extindere retea canalizare (sewer network extension estimate)
Model deviz gradinita cu 4 sali de grupa (kindergarten with 4 group rooms estimate)
Model deviz hala metalica si corp administrativ (metallic hall and administrative building estimate)
Model deviz loc de joaca pentru copii (children's playground estimate)
Model deviz lucrari edilitare (utility works estimate)
Model deviz lucrari de finisaje (finishing works estimate)
Model deviz modernizare drum comunal (communal road modernization estimate)
Model deviz modernizare drum judetean (county road modernization estimate)
Model deviz pod la drum forestier (bridge at forest road estimate)
Model deviz reabilitare si modernizare scoala (school rehabilitation and modernization estimate)
Model deviz reabilitarea unui ocol silvic (forest district rehabilitation estimate)
Model deviz retea canalizare (sewer network estimate)
Model deviz reabilitarea termica a unui bloc de locuinte (thermal rehabilitation of an apartment building estimate)
Model deviz reabilitarea unui drum judetean (county road rehabilitation estimate)
Model deviz sala de sport scolara nivel competitional (school sports hall at competitive level estimate)
Model deviz scoala cu 4 sali de clasa (school with 4 classrooms estimate)
Model deviz scoala cu 8 sali de clasa (school with 8 classrooms estimate)
Model deviz sistem centralizat de alimentare cu apa in mediul rural (centralized water supply system in rural areas estimate)
Model deviz teren de sport cu gazon artificial (sports field with artificial turf estimate)
To download a model, you need to click on the "Descarca model" button below the preview image. You will get a zip file that contains the PDF model and other files such as:
Centralizatorul obiect (F2) - object summary
Lista cu cantitati de lucrari (F3) - list of work quantities
Fise tehnice echipamente - technical sheets of equipment
Grafic fizic si valoric de executie - physical and value execution chart
You can also adjust the model for free in eDevize by clicking on the "Ajusteaza gratuit in eDevize" button. You will need to create an account and log in to use the software. You can then customize the model according to your needs, using formulas, parameters, prices, and resources. You can also generate reports in PDF or Excel format, formatted for e0e6b7cb5c